TRAINEESHIPS --> 3-stage application procedure

STEP 1: nomination from sending institution

STEP 2: required completed application forms (handwritten applications won’t be accepted):

         -Student Application and Accommodation Form (SAA)

         -Learning Agreement for Traineeships (LAT)

STEP 3: send your application documents to sends e-mail) and/or submit via Erasmus Dashboard platform


Application for fall/winter semester – June 30
Application for spring/summer semester – November 30

LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS: ENGLISH AT LEVEL  B2 of the Common European Framework of Languages


The ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) facilitates the academic recognition of studies abroad. ECTS enables measurement and comparison of the results achieved by the student as well as transferring these results between universities. ECTS credits indicate the workload of study programmes and individual course units.

ECTS is based on the convention that 60 credits measure the workload of a full time student during one academic year. The student workload of a full time study programme in Europe amounts in most cases to 36/40 weeks per year, which implies that one credit stands for 25 to 30 working hours.

The allocation of ECTS credits is based on the official length of a study programme cycle. The total workload necessary to obtain a first cycle degree lasting officially three or four years is expressed as 180 or 240 credits. Student workload in ECTS includes the time spent in attending lectures, seminars, independent study, preparation for and taking of examinations, etc.

Credits are allocated to all educational components of a study programme (such as modules, courses, placements, dissertation work, etc.) and reflect the quantity of work each component requires in relation to the total quantity of work necessary to complete a full year of study in the programme considered. Credits in ECTS can only be obtained after completion of the work required and appropriate assessment of the learning outcomes achieved.

The performance of the student is documented by a local/national grade and - according to good practice - by an ECTS grade. The ECTS grading scale ranks the students on a statistical basis.

Therefore, elaboration of statistical data on student performance is a prerequisite for applying the ECTS grading system. Grades are assigned among students with a pass grade as follows:

 A best 10%
 B next 25%
 C next 30%
 D next 25%
 E next 10%
A distinction is made between the grades FX and F that are used for unsuccessful students. FX means: "fail- some more work required to pass" and F means: "fail - considerable further work required". The inclusion of failure rates in the Transcript of Records is optional.

The regular Course Catalogue of the institution to be published in English for programmes taught in English on the Web. The Course Catalogue must contain the items of the checklist attached to this document, including information for host students from abroad.

The Learning Agreement, to be agreed upon before the student's departure and to be updated immediately when changes occur. A Learning Agreement contains the list of courses to be taken and agreed upon by the student and the responsible academic bodies of the two institutions concerned.

The Transcript of Records, to be issued by the home institution for outgoing students before departure and by the host institution for incoming students at the end of their period of study. A Transcript of Records documents the performance of a student by showing the list of courses taken, the credits gained as well as the local grades and ECTS grades awarded.


The Poznań University of Life Sciences (PULS) uses the following convertion scale: 

PULS grade: 5.0 (bdb) very good ------------ ECTS grade: A

PULS grade: 4.5 (db+) good plus ------------ ECTS grade: B

PULS grade: 4.0 ( db) good ------------------- ECTS grade: C

PULS grade: 3.5 (dst+) satisfactory plus --- ECTS grade: D

PULS grade: 3.0 (dst) satisfactory ----------- ECTS grade: E

PULS grade: 2.0 (ndst) unsatisfactory ------ ECTS grade: F


According to Polish law regulations, the university charges a fee for issuing an electronic student card in the amount of 22 PLN, duplicate 33 PLN.

The charge rate is regulated by separate provisions.

The student ID is a document certifying the student’s status.

The validity of the student ID is confirmed every semester by the Study Office.


Students from EU-countries should bring the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) form from their home country which entitles to free medical services in public medical centres in Poland. Non-EU citizens have to cover the costs of the medical care and then can get the refund of the payment from their insurance company.

All international students are advised to get an accident insurance which should be arranged with their own insurance agencies before arrival to Poland. 

More info



All foreigners are required to register within 30 days from their arrival date. The registration is free of charge. You can get an application form from the hall of residence with the confirmation that you are staying there. If you are not staying at University's accommodation you will need to bring with you your rental contract with you (or come with the person who rents or owns the flat or the house).

You should register at:  
The Office for Citizens Affairs of the City Hall
(Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich, Urząd Miasta)
address: ul. Libelta 16/20
Office is open:
Monday, Thursday                       8.00 – 17.00
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday        7.30 – 15.30

EU citizen registration of residence

Students from EU-countries do not need a visa to study in Poland. If the student’s stay in Poland is longer than three months then they are required to apply for an EU citizen registration. Students who wish to do an internship in Poland or enter other kind of

All foreigners are required to register within 30 days from their arrival date. The registration is free of charge. You can get an application form from the hall of residence with the confirmation that you are staying there. If you are not staying at University's accommodation you will need to bring with you your rental contract with you (or come with the person who rents or owns the flat or the house). EU citizens also need to have EU citizen registration of residence.

Visa and residence permit (for non-EU citizens)

Non-EU students coming to Poland are required to obtain a visa in their home country from a Polish embassy or a consulate. The visa should be issued for the whole period of your stay. It is not possible to extend the visa in Poland. For more information about obtaining the visa contact the Polish diplomatic and consular establishment in your country.

If your visa expires before the end of your stay in Poland you should apply for a temporary residence permit (zezwolenie na pobyt tymczasowy). It is mandatory to do it at least 45 days  before your visa expires at:

Department for Foreigners of the Voivodship Office:
Urząd Wojewódzki - Oddział ds. Cudzoziemców
address: Plac Wolności 17, 4th floor, room 8
Monday    9.30 – 18.00
Tuesday- Friday    8.15 – 15.15

You should also have your passport with you. There is also a fee for the permit 50 PLN which you will have to pay upon receiving it.

All necessary information  and forms are available



B2 English level competencies:

- understanding the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in their field of specialization.

- interacting with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.

- easy, spontaneous communication in a clear and detailed manner on a wide range of subjects and clarification a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options


B2 English level corresponds to independent users of the language, i.e. those who have the necessary fluency to communicate without effort with native speakers. It is important to bear in mind that the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) is the system that defines and explains the different levels of oral and written expression and comprehension for languages such as English. A B2 user is able to understand and be understood in most situations and can express himself naturally, easily and effectively and take the initiative to speak. But he is also able to understand and correct his own mistakes, foresee what he will say and how he will say it.


Required recognized certifications.