Structure and wood properties

Faculty : 
Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology
2024/2025 winter semester
teaching hrs : 

Wood formation and structure of cell wall. Anatomical elements of wood. The microscopic structure of softwoods and hardwood types of the temperate climate zone. Wood density is an indicator of the structural variability of wood and its properties. Methods for determining the density of the wood. The density of the wood substance. The moisture content of the wood. Effect of moisture and its changes in wood's physical and mechanical properties. Structure and function of phloem. Selected anatomical elements of softwood and hardwood types and their measurement using a computer image analyser. Microscopic and macroscopic identification of European wood species. Measurement of macrostructural parameters of wood. Determination of wood density. Moisture related wood properties. Determination of mechanical properties of wood. Determination of strength of wood: compression, tension and hardness. Determination of static bending strength and impact strength of wood. Measurement of static and dynamic modulus of elasticity reactions.